Vidyaranya Kannada Kuta Charitable Fund
Vidyaranya Kannada Kuta Charitable Fund (VKKCF) is a not-for-profit [IRS code section 501(C)3] organization that was founded in 1994 in affiliation to Vidyaranya Kannada Kuta. VKKCF is the only established charitable fund among all the Kannada Associations in North America .
Mission Our Mission is to raise funds through diverse avenues and donate the proceeds to other not-for-profit organizations in USA and India that work towards betterment of life for the underprivileged and the not so fortunate. Our aim is to provide resources to these not-for-profit organizations to help alleviate poverty, improve education, provide vocational training, and provide healthcare and emergency relief to people affected by natural disasters, to say the least. Team VKKCF is run by a committee that is elected at an annual meeting. Each member is aware of and understands the mission and the vision. VKKCF is a volunteer-driven committee. Most administrative costs are borne by the volunteers. The team consists of a Chairperson, a Co-Chair, a Treasurer and 4 other team members to help realize this mission. VKKCF members pursue its mission with great compassion drive. VKKCF is greatly supported by our parent organization – Vidyaranya Kannada Kuta.
History Since its inception in 1994 in affiliation with Vidyaranya Kannada Kuta, VKKCF has successfully raised tens of thousands of dollars and donated to various not-for-profit organizations in USA and India with a goal to help the underprivileged to rebuild their lives and live with dignity. Our past recipients include and are not limited to – Apna Ghar, National Blind Foundation, National Breast Cancer Research, Tsunami Relief Fund (Red Cross), Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Asha for Education, and many more.
How can you help? Thank you for your interest and supporting us. There are two ways you can help make a difference – Donate – Your monetary contributions can go a long way in helping us achieve our goal. All donations are tax exempt under the IRS code section 501(C) 3. You may pay with a check made payable to VKKCF.